
Messed Up Stories From The Book Of Enoch

While 1 Enoch is known as the Ethiopic Enoch because it was preserved in the Ethiopic language of Ge'ez by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 2 Enoch, aka the Secrets of Enoch, is also known as Slavonic Enoch, because it was preserved in the Eastern European liturgical language known as Church Slavonic. The Ethiopic Enoch shows God's new best friend getting a general look at the afterlife, but Slavonic Enoch takes him on a step-by-step tour of each individual level of Heaven. If you're familiar with '90s dramedies, you might know about Seventh Heaven, but the Heaven of 2 Enoch is actually made up of 10 Heavens, and not all of them are what you might expect.

In chapter 3, the angels show Enoch First Heaven, which is a giant Sky Ocean, larger than any ocean on Earth. It might seem strange there's an enormous ocean in the sky until you stop to wonder where rain comes from, and then it all makes sense. First Heaven is also full of angels who push the stars around and the warehouses where they keep the snow and dew. Second Heaven might trip you up a bit, because it's, well, it's a torture chamber for fallen angels. Third Heaven might be even worse, because it's literally Hell, where the damned burn in eternal fire. You know, in Heaven.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-07-25